BeginAgain Newsletter Summer 21

Program Updates
Does Grief Get a Summer Break ?
In this issue :
Updates to BeginAgain program Upcoming EVENT information Summer Blog International Overdose Awareness Tips for Summer Grieving Ask the Grief Counselor


Summer 2021

Quarterly Grief Newsletter

Program Updates

>> Virtual groups continue !!! BeginAgain Groups are being held via ZOOM twice a month !
>> Video / Phone telehealth continues to be available for individual and family sessions ! Please call your local BeginAgain Counselor to set up your next appointment . Contact info listed below .
>> IN-PERSON Summer Art Camp coming up July 27 at The HUB on Canal in NSB . Contact your BeginAgain Counselor for registration form !

Summertime Sadness

Does Grief Get a Summer Break ?

Summer is here , school is out , sun is up , and the ocean is calling . Seems like that would be the perfect combination for good feelings and better days . But , for those grieving a loved one , seasonal transitions can be very triggering for many reasons . Grief can feel heightened in the summer months for children / teens who ordinarily describe this time of year as carefree since they have a break from academics . Not only are families feeling the weight of missing this special person but , they are also mourning the activities that were anticipated and shared during this time of year . Families whom had a loved one die , especially a parent or caregiver , can experience another new loss as they are planning out summer activities and supervision for kids in a different way than ever before . Some family traditions like vacations or day trips may have to be adjusted , postponed , or cancelled completely . The non-stop media marketing of activities for picture-perfect families can also add to the painful reminders grievers face at every turn .
If your days are not feeling as sunny despite the weather , please know this is normal . After the death of a loved one ( trauma ), research shows the brain physically changes , that it will never think or feel the exact way it did before they died . Our brain is working on overtime trying to piece all these changes together again , an attempt to make some sense out of tragedy . Grieving takes up a lot of time and energy , so if there ’ s anything worth taking a break from during this summer , it ’ s expectations . We can honor this moment for exactly what it is : different than we ever thought it would be . You ’ ll find more specific tips for summer grief on the next page .