Bee's Knees Dec. 1929 | Page 8

Meet the Character

When I walked into the room, I saw one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. She was wearing a white dress and sitting in a chair singing with a melodious voice. Many people could describe her voice as “full of money”.

In 1919, Daisy Buchanan married the wealthy and powerful, Tom Buchanan. Before this, Daisy was in love with a man named Jay Gatsby. She left him because he could not provide her with the money she wanted, but he could provide her with his undying love for her. When Gatsby comes back into her life, she is confused with whom to choose, Tom, the rich guy, or Gatsby, the old sweetheart?

Q: Gatsby sees you as a paragon of perfection, what could you describe him as?

A: Gatsby was my first love before 1919. He’s handsome, sweet, and caring but now I am married to Tom.

Q: Do you love Tom?

A: I loved Tom, but when I found out about his mistress, I was really upset.

Q: Did you confront his mistress about it?

A: No, but I handled the situation poorly. One night, when going home from a night out in the city, I was driving Gatsby’s yellow car. Myrtle Wilson ran out in front of the car thinking that Tom was driving the car and that he would stop. I hit her, and drove off. Myrtle had died from the accident. Gatsby took the blame for me, and to this day I feel terrible about it.

Q: Would you choose Tom or Gatsby?

A: In my heart, I will always love Gatsby but on the outside, I have to pretend or try to love Tom again. He is my wealthy husband and I cannot leave him for someone that lives in West Egg. I hope one-day Gatsby finds another green light to share his love with.

Me: Thanks for the interview; I hope you and Tom have a happy life together.

Daisy: No problem, and I’ll try.

Daisy and Gatbys at a party in the 2013 release of The Great Gatsby.