Bee's Knees Dec. 1929 | Page 11

Who Owns the Mansion?

Many have wondered who exactly lives in that extravagant mansion in the otherwise modest West Egg of Long Island. Well, the person living in that mansion is a man known as Jay Gatsby. Below is a recent interview with Gatsby.

Alice: Gatsby, let’s start off by introducing yourself.

Gatsby: Well, I graduated from Oxford and served in the war until 1918.

A: Wow! By looking at your house, you seem to be a wealthy man. Is that so?

G: Yes, I inherited lots of money after all my relatives passed away.

A: If you inherited this much money, why don’t you live in East Egg with the other folks who live luxurious lives?

G: Across the dock, next to that green light right there, is the house belonging to a beautiful woman I adore. I decided to buy this house because I could see her house from my front porch, even though we live on different sides of the island.

A: That’s very romantic of you! I’ve seen several social gatherings at your house. Do you like to host parties?

G: I certainly don’t mind people coming over. In fact, lots of people come without even being invited!

A: If you could make a wish, what wish would you make?

G: I wish more than anything to have that young lady on that side of the dock be my wife. Unfortunately, she’s married, but it doesn’t seem like their marriage is going very well.

A: Oh, well best of luck to you Mr. Gatsby! Thanks for your time.

Left, Above: Gatsby shows us his beautiful home.

Left: Gatsby enjoys being host for his parties.

An interview by Alice Wang