Bede's Senior School Calendar Autumn 2017 St Bedes SEN A6 cal AUTUMN 2017 final | Page 9

St Bedes SEN A6 cal AUTUMN 2017 .qxp 04/07/2017 15:35 Page 8 CHAPEL ARRANGEMENTS • Chapel is an essential part of our school week. It is one opportunity to find moments of peace in a busy life. The weekly topics will revolve around both faith and values where the faith aspect is an exposure to the religious tradition of the Christian faith. Singing is an important and uplifting part of our Chapel experience. All are encouraged to take part. • Chapel is compulsory for all and absence can only be granted by the Housemaster in agreement with the Chaplain. Personal faith is not expected; respect is. • Pupils will be in their place, sitting silently and respectfully, ready for the service to commence at the advertised start time. The Chapel is open in advance of the Chapel services and pupils and staff are welcome to arrive early to sit quietly. • Pupils are expected to self-regulate their behaviour and this is both the expectation and the norm. House prefects are present to monitor and encourage this attitude of reverence. • Music will be organised for the start and end of each chapel service by the House music prefect. • The Chaplain leads a small Chapel committee whose names will be on the Chaplaincy notice board. Thoughts and questions can be directed to them, or to the Chaplain himself. EVENING ARRANGEMENTS Facilities and Houses are open around the school and supervised for Day Pupils to complete Prep 5.15 – 6.30 pm utilising the 7.15 pm Bus Service. Pupils must book the late bus service for the week ahead by 11.00 am on the Monday. All Day pupils staying late must inform their Housemaster/mistress. Boarders are required to use a minimum of either Session 1 or Session 2 to complete Prep on Monday-Thursday, depending on a number of factors. This will require some advance planning so boarders must negotiate with their tutor which session they attend in order to allow them to take part in co-curricular activities whilst maintaining the high standards of study required. • Boarders Prep Session One: 5.15 – 6.45 pm • Boarders Prep Session Two 7.40 – 9.00 pm All day pupils staying late MUST sign out with the Hm at the Porters Lodge before leaving school. 8