Bede's Senior School Calendar Autumn 2017 St Bedes SEN A6 cal AUTUMN 2017 final | Page 45

St Bedes SEN A6 cal AUTUMN 2017 .qxp 04/07/2017 15:35 Page 44 WEEK TEN MON 13 NOV Charity 8:30 am General Charleston and Dorms Charity Week Headmaster's Assembly in the Sports Complex followed by Tutor Time Charleston and Dorms host a Quiz Night for Pupils in the Recital Room B 5:00 pm Charity TUE 14 NOV 2:45 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 6:00 pm Girls' Hockey Music Drama General WED 15 NOV 1:10 pm General 3:40 pm General 5:30 pm Drama 7:30 pm Football 1xt XI v Seaford College (H) Jazz band rehearsal in the Recital Room ‘Oliver’ rehearsal in the Miles Studio Governors' Finance Committee in The Salon Pupil Council Meeting Tutor time All GCSE Dramatists Digital Theatre Performance in the Miles Studio Intramural football in the Sports Complex THU 16 NOV Academic 9:00 am General 2:30 pm Squash Academic Assessment Days for 13+ Scholarships Bede's Experience Day Y7, 2019 Entry 1st, U15 boys teams v Eastbourne College (A), depart Bede's 1.30 pm 2:45 pm Girls' Hockey U15B v Seaford College (A), depart Bede's 1.00 pm 2:45 pm Girls' Hockey U14B v Seaford College (H) 5:00 pm Basketball 1st team v Worth (H) 5:15 pm General English Masterclass led by Sixth Form in ST3 5:15 pm General FY English Masterclass in O6 6:00 pm General Dorms Evensong followed by Formal Dinner in the Recital Room 44