Bede's Senior School Calendar Autumn 2017 St Bedes SEN A6 cal AUTUMN 2017 final | Page 37

St Bedes SEN A6 cal AUTUMN 2017 .qxp 04/07/2017 15:35 Page 36 WEEK SIX MON 2 OCT General 8:30 am School Trip 8:30 am General FY 'Carousel' Switch Holroyd Howe Vegetarian Day U6 DT pupils visit Sidcup Coca Cola Operations plant Headmaster's Assembly in the Sports Complex followed by Tutor Time Bede's Duathlon Prep and Senior School Gala v Roedean School (A), depart Bede's 12.00 pm B 2:00 pm Sport 2:00 pm Swimming TUE 3 OCT 8:30 am 9:00 am 1:00 pm 2:30 pm 2:45 pm 3:00 pm 5:00 pm 7:15 pm Girls' Hockey General General Football Girls' Hockey Football Drama General WED 4 OCT 11:00 am Drama 3:40 pm General 3:40 pm General 3:45 pm Basketball 7:30 pm Football THU 5 OCT 1:00 pm 1:20 pm 2:30 pm 2:45 pm 2:45 pm 3:00 pm General School Trip Squash Girls' Hockey Girls' Hockey Football 5:15 pm General 7:45 pm School Trip U18 Sussex Cup (A), at Christ's Hospital Bede's Experience Day Y7, 2019 Entry Dicker House Lunch in the Old Dining Room 1st XI v Lancing College (A), depart Bede's 1.00 pm 2nd XI v Seaford College (A), depart Bede's 1.00 pm 2nd XI, 3rd XI v Lingfield Notre Dame (H) ‘Oliver’ rehearsal in the Miles Studio Prep Parents' Information Evening in the Recital Room L6 Theatre Studies pupils to see 'Cat on a Hot Tin Roof' at the Young Vic, London Pre 6 and L6 Day Girls Safeguarding Training in the Dining Room, L6 Boarding Boys Safeguarding Training in the Recital Room Tutor time 1st team v Michael Hall (A), depart Bede's 2.30 pm Intramural football in the Sports Complex Charleston House Lunch in the Old Dining Room Go-Karting to Filching Manor Junior boys team v Sevenoaks (A), depart Bede's 1.15 pm U14A v Seaford College (H) U15A v Seaford College (A), depart Bede's 1.00 pm U15A, U15B v Lingfield Notre Dame (A), depart Bede's 1.30 pm English Masterclass led by Sixth Form in ST3 England v Slovenia World Cup Qualifying at Wembley, depart Bede's at 4.00pm 36