Bede's Senior School Calendar Autumn 2017 St Bedes SEN A6 cal AUTUMN 2017 final | Page 32

St Bedes SEN A6 cal AUTUMN 2017 .qxp 04/07/2017 15:35 Page 31 FRI 15 SEP 7:00 am School Trip 6:00 pm Charity L6 Mathematicians Open Day at Oxford University Bede's World Cup Football Competition in aid of Cancer Research followed by a BBQ 'Girls Night In' with Crossways, hosted by Dorter A 6:30 pm Boarders Activity SAT 16 SEP General 8:10 am General 9:00 am Drama 10:00 am Girls' Hockey 10:00 am Girls' Hockey 10:30 am Football 10:30 am Football 11:00 am Girls' Hockey 11:30 am Girls' Hockey 12:00 pm Girls' Hockey 12:30 pm General 1:00 pm Legat 1:10 pm General SUN 17 SEP 10:30 am School Trip 1:30 pm General 2:00 pm Swimming Open Day at the Senior School Full Day Bus Service arrives 8.10 am, normal weekday bus schedule ‘Oliver’ rehearsal in the Miles Studio U14A v Roedean (H) U14B v Roedean (A), at Steyning Grammar, depart Bede's 8.30 am U15A, U15B, U15C, U14A, U14B, U14C v Hampton (H) 1st XI, 2nd XI, 3rd XI, 4th XI v Hampton (A), depart Bede's 8.00 am U15A v Roedean (A) at Steyning Grammar, depart Bede's 9.30 am 1st XI v Roedean (H) U15B v Roedean (A) at Steyning Grammar, depart Bede's 10.30 am Open Day ends Legat Open Afternoon Day Buses depart Brighton Marina - Bowling, Cinema, Meal, Shopping and Indoor Crazy Golf Dorter and Crossways Colour Run Bede's and Hailsham Swimming Club Championships (H) 31