Bede's Senior School Calendar Autumn 2017 St Bedes SEN A6 cal AUTUMN 2017 final | Page 18
St Bedes SEN A6 cal AUTUMN 2017 .qxp 04/07/2017 15:35 Page 17
Tuesday and Thursday afternoon over other events. Pupils involved in these
activities must attend them.
• All times for Sports Matches are ‘kick off’ times; parents are welcome to attend
any match.
• Cup fixtures cannot be planned in advance and therefore will appear in the
online calendar and on the sports website
Expectations of pupil behaviour and dress are of the highest standard. Pupils must
wear Bede’s Sports kit for all sporting activities at any time of the day. All pupils are
expected to wear PE kit for their lessons and Activities kit for non-PE activities.
Lessons and activities start promptly and lateness will not tolerated for either lessons
or Activities. If for any reason a pupil is unable to participate then a note must be
provided for the relevant member of staff. House T-shirts can only be worn for House
• Activities are compulsory and are part of the school day. Failure to attend an
activity will result in a sanction.
• Pupils should not change their assigned activity without written permission from
Mr Richards
• Pupils must go to the assigned location for an activity at the correct time
• Pupils who forget their kit for a sporting activity should stay with the activity and
help run it with the member of staff
• Pupils who are injured, missed the bus or whose teacher is absent should go to ICT3
for ‘Missed Activities’
• Private Study is supervised – all pupils must register for Private Study
• The Village Shop is out of bounds during activity time unless there is an activity
scheduled to take place there.