YOUR BED IS THE FOCAL POINT This may seem obvious but I get a lot of questions about where to place the bed . Remember , it is the focal point and should be the first thing you see when you walk into the room .
BEDDING Invest in what you love . I ’ m a big fan of linen but choose a material that feels nice for you . Also , you don ’ t need 50 throw pillows but a couple to give that added layer of color , pattern and texture can really feel nice .
RUGS I love a rug under your bed . It doesn ’ t need to be the entire way . You can place it 3 / 4 under the bed as long as you make sure the rug is big enough that when you step off your bed , you step onto the rug . Another option is faux sheepskins on either side of the bed .
Photos by Janis Nicolay www . janisnicolay . com