Beautiful Christmas Magazine 2017 | Page 32

GIFTS: Garden accessories 5 1 6 2 7 3 8 Great outdoors SOLAR POWERED LIG HT S UP You’ll find loads of practical ideas for green-fingered gifts, and our outdoor robin decorations are seasonal stars 4 1 Decorative hummingbird birdbath Made from vibrantly coloured glass £7.99 2 -32- Little Ben clock Will add 4 Solar light Mush-Room A fun way to brighten up your outside spaces £19.99 5 Tree trunk bird feeder interest to an outside wall £19.99 For your garden guests £24.99 3 Solar silhouette owl Gives subtle, soft illumination £24.99 With pretty floral detail £4.99 6 Hanging robin wreath 7 Hanging robin star With natural rattan effect £4.99 8 Robin in open pine cone bird feeder The perfect size for smaller bird varieties £12.99