ILLUMINATIONS: Outdoor lighting
Razzle dazzle them
Set your street aglow with a show that makes the most of the
latest home laser displays and outdoor LED features
ondering how to make a
difference with your outdoor
lighting display this year? Come
in store and you’ll find all the inspiration
you need. Our range of LED illuminated
decorations is bigger and better than
ever. If you’ve got plenty of space to play
with, make this the year that you dazzle
neighbours with a statuesque wire-framed
reindeer or snowman. Or bring a dark
corner to life with an appealing
flock of twinkling baby birds.
If you really want to put on
a show, a motion laser (right)
is hard to beat. Suitable for use
indoors or outside, you’ll have
a captive audience as you cast
thousands of mesmerising stars
and pretty patterns into the
dark winter nights.