Beautiful Body Essentials EBook | Page 19

Cardio Basics Before we get started, you ought to at least know why it's so crucial. Cardiovascular exercise merely means that you're involved in an activity that elevates your heart rate to a level where you're working, but may still talk (also known as, in your Target Heart Rate). Here's why cardio is so crucial: � � � � � � � � It's one way to burn off calories and help you slim down It makes your heart strong so that it doesn't have to work as grueling to pump blood It step-ups your lung capacity It helps bring down risk of heart attack, elevated cholesterol, hypertension and diabetes It makes you feel great It aids you in sleeping better It helps bring down tension I could go on all day, however you get the point Bottom line: you require cardio if you want to get your weight in check and get your tension to a tolerable level. - 19 -