Beating the Data Paradox | Page 8


Author , Global Strategic Advisor and Professor for Emerging Technologies

Bring data and critical thinking skills together

To move along the skills continuum of data novice to data champion , a holistic balance of skills and the confidence to apply them is imperative .
This necessitates a combination of practical skills to work with data , alongside critical thinking and strategic skills to understand and interpret data challenges , opportunities and impact — and how best to navigate them .
This brings to the fore the optimal position of becoming a data translator . A data translator must be able to balance and apply skills across these areas . And this includes developing communication and storytelling skills , in order to engage with decision makers from business to IT , enabling passionate data leadership at scale .
This aligns with a STEAM approach to training and development that combines learning in Science , Technology , Engineering and
Mathematics with learning in the Arts , enabling a deeper connection with data that moves beyond the numbers . It also supports knowing ‘ how to learn ’ or metacognition — helping people learn ‘ smarter ’ in the way that works best for them to be more effective .
In combination , this can help advance the future readiness of existing employees , providing a replete skills ‘ toolbox ’ that can grow as they do . That way , employees have a personal agility that can support agility in the organization .

To transform a data novice into a data champion you need both skills and the confidence to apply them . One without the other is like a canoe without a paddle . @ sallyeaves
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Beat the Data Paradox | 8