Founder & CEO , Bernard Marr & Co
Create a culture that values data
For most organisations , data is becoming one of the most important and valuable business assets . It is therefore critical that everyone in the company treats data as the important asset that it is .
In order to do that , companies have to start using data strategically to :
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Inform decisionmaking |
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Better understand |
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Offer smarter products |
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across the |
customer and |
and services to their |
organisation |
market trends |
customers |
Automate and improve their own business processes
If everyone understands how data is used across the different aspects of a business the culture will quickly change . This process has to start at the very top of the organization with senior leaders using data and communicating the importance of data .
If everyone understands how data is used across the different aspects of a business the culture will quickly change . @ BernardMarr
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Beat the Data Paradox | 5