Beat Generation essay 1.8 | Page 89

Conclusion Since 1959 there have been 56 movies made explicitly about or by members of the beat generation (Wilis, 2018). Throughout the course of this essay, I have looked at over thirty beat poets in total, from Paul Blackburn, David Meltzer and Lew Welch to Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac. I have critically examined each one for shamanic elements. I have, in addition, given, at the beginning of this piece, a brief history of the beat generation and a brief history of shamanism. I have tried to make as much connections as possible between each poet to the next and give an elaborate understanding of definitions which relate to shamanism. I have drawn heavily on the research of both Reisman, 2012 for beat poetry and Harvey & Wallis, 2007 for shamanism. I have tried to collate the two understandings with which, I believe, is a unified understanding akin to Panecka's 2018 study of Ted Hughes as shaman. "The Basic Beat": Shamanic Elements in beat poetry aims to further the readers understanding of both the beat generation poets and the concept of shamanism. It is hoped that I have somewhat 88