Beat Generation essay 1.8 | Page 8

by Dylan may have come from “desolation angels” by Jack Kerouac. Both Howl and Kaddish would be heavily influenced by Kerouac’s prosody and writing. Meaning of the word “Beat” V William Burroughs’s Junky is considered “the novel that destroyed the novel” (Carmona, 2012). The beat movement arguably started with Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, William Burroughs, Herbert Hunche and Neal Cassidy. However the Black Mountain School, San Francisco Renaissance and New York school were soon incorporated into the movement. Although the term “Beat” was coined by Hurbert Huncke in 1943, According to Ginsberg it meant “Exhausted at the bottom of the world looking up or out, sleepless, wide-eyed, perceptive, rejected by society (Carmona, 2012) To Snyder it meant “A particular state of mind within a definable time frame, sometime in the early 50’s up until the mid- 60’s when jazz was replaced by Rock and Roll and marijuana was replaced by LSD” (Carmona, 2012) 7