fallen land. The language is ecstatic as Ginsberg
attempt’s to restore the heartland of America to a
primal state of peace and justice. His poems “The
fall of America”, “mind breaths” and “Plutonian
Ode” he focuses on cosmic transcendence in his
universal shaman voice (Reisman, 2012).
Friedrich Schlegel was an art critic responsible
for placing the impetus on the poet to create
myth. What followed were the Ossian sagas and
Fingal both seminary works were written by
James McPherson. Such became the role of poetry
in raising national consciousness, Napoleon would
carry an edition of Fingal "one of his favourite
works" in his own portable library, which followed
him into battle. Myth, it was believed, was an
expression of metaphysics and the poet as a maker
of myth had to be versed in metaphysical
knowledge. It was recommended a poet study
Schopenhauer, Leibnitz, Spinoza or perhaps
Vedanta or Taylor’s criticisms from Plato and the
Neo-Platonists. An example of such a writer who
embodied this taste for Ur phenomena was Goethe