Beat Generation essay 1.8 | Page 10

Today we hold different views about its meaning. “Beat” has come to mean either “tired” or Beat” with values and consumerism or “beat” to denote the musical notation in Jazz, a style of music which often accompanied by oral recitations. Throughout the course of this essay we will examine it in the context of shamanism. Poetry and shamanism VI The ancient poet was a kind of shaman, who believing in animism, saw spirit in all living and even inanimate things. This has been called “the shamanistic flight” and was often accompanied by elaborate costumes and feathers. This was closely related to what Robert Graves called “the poetic trance” (Harvey & Wallis, 2007). He believed poetry to be written in the poetic state or “trance”. This can be compared to what La Berre calls the “prehistoric shaman”. The prehistoric shaman was the “original artist, dancer, musician, singer, dramatist, intellectual, poet, bard, ambassador, adviser of chiefs and kings, entertainer, actor and clown, curer, stage 9