BearNation Volume 5 Issue 2 | Page 21

“ We covered everything from the construction of the great wall of china , to the space launches of nasa , and practically everything in between ,” sophomore , Jackson Blackmon , said . “ You never knew what to expect when you went to her class each week , which was the most exciting thing as a student .”
Every nine weeks , the students are required to submit a project over their grade-level topics . These projects are then scored based on their creativity , amount of information , and understanding of the topic .
“ Last year was my final year in GT , and I thought I wasn ’ t going to miss the projects , but I really do ,” seventh grader , Colin Cox , said . “ It was always so fun to see what everyone came up with and presented for the class .”
Aside from the projects , the students also go on yearly trips that relate to their grade-level topic .
“ My favorite trip was the definitely the trip to NASA my fourth grade year ,” Cox said . “ No matter what topic we were learning , she always made it so interesting and fun to learn about .”
In their weekly lessons , there is a focus on the thinking process skills for both creative thinking and critical thinking . One way the students exercise this is through robotics .
“ Being part of robotics was definitely one of the most memorable experiences of my childhood ,” senior , Gracie Blackmon , said . “ We would practice everyday after school to prepare for our competition . I would take notes about our process in an Engineer ’ s Journal while we figured out how to program our robot .”
This year , BIS and CIS fourth and fifth graders placed first , second , and third in the Arena Competition along with a sixth grade team that placed first in Arena competition .
“ My favorite part about being a teacher is just being with the students and watching them grow and learn ,” Eberhart said .” I love seeing the excitement of learning on the students ’ faces and in their eyes .”
In her classes , Eberhart places her primary focus on her students , and each year finds new ways to teach her groups .
“ Each student is unique in their learning style , rate of learning and personality , as one size does not fit all ,” Eberhart said . “ Teachers are given the opportunity to touch a child ’ s life in a positive way . We should take advantage of that opportunity .”
Eberhart ’ s students participate in a mock trial each year in which they reenact the criminal cases of either the JFK assassination trial or the Adolf Eichmann trial . Here , her students , which are now seniors , stand on the steps of the court house after completing their trial .
Gifted and Talented students also have the opportunity to compete at the Region 7 ’ s robotic competition . Students spend months preparing after-school for competition day . Here , her current students stand with their trophies sweeping the leader board in the arena competition .