BearNation Volume 4 Issue 2 | Page 23


Brownsboro Elementary School teams up with APEX to host a running fundraiser .
The winning class sprays McCarter and Sprunger with silly string .
BES held an APEX fundraiser and fun run in the gym in order to raise money for their school . APEX organized lessons each day over the course of a week and students were encouraged to earn pledges , or sales , for the fundraiser .
On Monday they held a pep rally to kick things off , Tuesday students learned how to aspire and dream big , Wednesday ’ s lesson was over motivation , and Thursday they learned how to own their responsibilities .
Additionally , each day the class that sold the most pledges had different incentives , for example a donut part , an ice cream sundae party , and a Popsicle party . In the end , Mrs . Fears ’ class had the highest number of pledges and took away a gold medal ! The winning class also got to spray the principal , Mrs . McCarter , and the assistant principal , Mrs . Sprunger with silly string .
During the run , students earned money for laps they ran and parents were encouraged to come support . BES had a great turnout with every single student participating , and overall they reached their goal of $ 23,000 .
Students run hard to earn money for their school . Mrs . Fears ’ class poses after winning the gold medal .