Meet The Maker
Heather Powers
many ugly beads
along the way. I
like to call them
learning experiCould you tell our readers a little about the hisences. I made
tory of Humblebeads?
beads for my line
of jewelry that I sold at local markets and in galI started playing with polymer when I was in art
leries. I sold jewelry to pay for our living expense
school in the early 90's and there was only one
during college. The name Humblebeads comes
book on the subject! Without a lot of direction
from the humble material of polymer clay, it
with the new medium, I just jumped in and startwasn't seen as an artistic medium but thankfully
ed to see what I could make with clay taking a
it has proven otherwise over the years.
lot of cues from an earlier lampwork experience.
The Humblebeads you know and love today
There were many years of trial and error and