What was your inspiration and vision to
the launch of Artisan Whimsy and Creative
Bead Chat?
Artisan Whimsy was thought up with Marla James. We chatted all the time, brainstorming ideas and names. It was really
pushed through by the requests of the
Creative Bead Chat Members. They wanted a place for this all to come together and
that was our vision as well. Driving home
from Bead Fest one year with Karen Totten was the final piece of the puzzle. She
had this amazing talent for getting the site
idea out of our heads and on the net. With
the help of the group and admin team we
built our original site which is now 1500
strong. The rest is history!
You seem to always be learning new
things … what’s on the agenda for 2014? Any new technique you’re looking to add to
the repertoire?
2014 is a time for me to begin build my Bandana Girl line. I've been learning and creating trial designs for a year now while rebuilding the the Artisan Whimsy site and gearing
up Bead Chat Magazine. I'm building a dynamic website that will incorporate my jewelry line and component line in one place as
well as inspiration for others. I'm interested
in adding sparkle to my line so will be playing
with pave styles with chatons and also working on leather bag, belts and accessories with
a textured flair.
Continuing to learn seems to be in your DNA
and you seem to enjoy teaching others. What
about teaching do you enjoy most?