Bead Chat Magazine Fall 2014 | Page 70

What do you love most about working with this bead community? some knowledge of InDesign when I joined the magazine team, it’s enabled me to learn much more about the program and how to Ooo not sure! I love chatting to the CBC admin put its capabilities to good use! I probably ladies! We have a group chat on FB and we sound like a geek now but I really love opentalk most days, natter away for hours someing InDesign and starting with a blank page times! So it’s been lovely getting to know and just working away at it until I produce Melinda, Linda and you (Cynthia) better and something good enough to go into the mag. working together as a team to produce the magazine and website! I love the group too, How do you balance your bead passion with seeing everyones designs is very inspiring, the rest of your life? love reading the debates and advice people give and coming up with new ideas for the I’m not sure that I do to be honest! Luckily my magazine. I’ve found the community to be “Studio” is part of my very large living room, very giving with help and advice, it’s the first so I’m able to chat with the family whilst place I visit if I need some info…and I love the working…that has it’s pro’s and con’s too Bead Of Clay group too, always great for adthough, in that when I want a bit of peace, vice about ceramics! I can’t escape! I find it quite difficult to stop what I’m doing and do stuff like housework or cooking…I hate both with a passion, so consequently the house is rarely tidy! I find it hard to sit still and do nothing too, so stuff like watching a movie or TV, kinda bores me but I’ll attempt it once in a while. I guess going to Scotland is the only time I do “nothing” work wise, just lots of driving around to beautiful locations and lots of good conversation. My boyfriend is very supportive of what I do, which I’m thankful for and my daughter just rolls her eyes when I show her beads I’ve made! My cats like my beads though! You’ve been so dedicated to the magazine … what about it do you love? And what keeps you going? I love working with InDesign and Photoshop! Although I love making beads, now and again I need somewhere else to focus my attentions and the magazine is perfect! I love creating layouts, editing pictures and getting to know artists better when I read their interview answers. I love software and although I had