Create An Online Pressence
Ok, so we just want to “make things”, right?
But if you want to sell too, you need customers, not only that, you need to engage with
potential customers on a regular basis! Be
realistic with your time, there are a LOT of
networking resources available online, but
you just won’t have time to do them ALL. So
pick your favourites, the ones you actually
enjoy using (so it’s less of a chore) and use
them regularly. Personally, I would recommend Facebook (obviously) and Pinterest
above all others, but if you have time, Twitter is quick to use on the go and Instagram
is too, both can be used easily from your
mobile. Having your own website is also a
major thing to consider. You might well sell
on Etsy for example, but it’s difficult to link
to all your “things” there, having a website
not only gives you your own domain but it
also gives you some security and a base.
So you’re a jewelry designer/bead maker,
but unless you’re lucky enough to have a
photographer in the family, you’re going
to have to learn how to take good photographs! Images are what sells your work. A
decent camera is a must...even if it’s just the
camera on your mobile phone, learn how to
use it effectively. There are many, many photography tutorials online, search for them,
practise with different light settings till you
find one that works for you. Ask questions,
take on board critique. I can’t stress enough
how important it is to your business that
you have clear, in focus images with backgrounds that don’t detract from your product. Bad photographs do not show off your
item to it’s full potential, it’s the difference
between som one skimming past your item
or them clicking on it and adding it to their
Customer Service
Stay One Step Ahead
You might have had the day from hell but
when you interact with customers you have
to be pleasant and friendly! You want to be
approachable, let your attitude r eflect this.
You want your customers to have a positive
experience when they shop with you. This
means answering mails promptly, being polite and going the extra mile when possible.
If you put out a negative vibe, your customers will pick up on it and customers like to
feel appreciated, because they should be!
Pay attention to any issues customers may
have and do your best to put any wrongs
right. Let your customers know when their
orders have been shipped and dispatch
them in a timely fashion. Pretty packaging
is always a big hit, as is little touches like a
handwritten thank you or a small free gift.
Appreciated customers will be repeat
Of seasonal trends. If you’re creating to sell,
you need to have inventory before a new
season or trend kicks in, this is especially
true for bead designers who sell to jewelry
designers who sell to the public. The public
wants the product thats in trend, now. For
example, come Fall the customer will want
autumn themed you need to
do Autumn in the summer to be ready! In
the Fall, you’ll be creating for Winter and so
on. If you’re a bead designer you’ll need to
be even earlier to sell to the designer who
needs the time to create for the next prepare, plan ahead, give yourself
time to breathe. This was a lesson for me last
year. I started creating winter items in December because it felt seasonal and cheery,
except my customers were already planning
for Spring! Think ahead and plan and you’ll
sell more and be on trend when it matters!