Photo Gallery
Bhavish Adwani
- Reporter
Yuvika Akar
- Co-chief/Reporter
Aaryan Amar
– Reporter
Zubin Amar
– Reporter
Esperanza Clarissa
- Photographer/Photo Editor
Gabrielle Hadipraja
- Reporter
Suhana Khiani
- Reporter
Simran Mahtani
- Chief
Michelle Mirchandani
- Videographer/Video Editor
Tiara Mirchandani
- Reporter
Shenaz Nanwani
- Reporter
Zara Ratnani
- Reporter
Sophie Razmovski
- Layout Manager/Reporter
Srishti Srivastava
- Reporter
Angie Sutanto
- Layout Manager/Reporter
Trudy Widjaja
- Reporter
Facilitator/Mentor: Kam Mirchandani
Beacon Press would like to express their sincerest gratitude to the following:
The Leadership Team: Mr Richard, Ms Megan, Mr Aryo, Mrs Maggie, for their patience and support.
Mrs Kelly Waldron and Mrs Ridya Suryaningtyas for their help in promoting Beacon Press newsletters.
Mr John, for his unending and encouraging support for our ECA.
Ms Antie and Ms Anna for sharing photos.
Our parents, teachers and staff for their support and encouragement.