beachLIFE 2023 Issue 17 | Page 95

American alligators ( Alligator mississippiensis ) are one of the most iconic animals in Florida . These massive reptiles can be found in all 67 counties of the state and are a common sight in many freshwater environments , including lakes , rivers , swamps , and brackish waters . While alligators may seem intimidating at first glance , these apex predators are actually quite shy and avoid humans if possible — we ’ re not their natural prey . And with that , here are eight facts about alligators that will surprise you !


Alligators Are Remarkable Survivors
Alligators are native to Florida . and fossil evidence shows that they have remained relatively unchanged for the past 8 million years and are closely related to dinosaurs .


Alligators Are Florida ’ s Official State Reptile
The American alligator was designated as Florida ’ s official state reptile in 1987 as a symbol of the state ’ s untamed wilderness .


The Alligator ’ s Courtship Is Sophisticated
During mating season , from late April to early June , the male ’ s infrasonic bellows cause the surface of the water around the male to ripple and dance , which attracts the female .


Alligators Have Super Senses
With an excellent sense of hearing and smell from extra sensory organs covering their face , alligators can hear hatchlings squeak from inside the eggs and smell a single drop of blood in 10 gallons of water .


Alligators Are Reptiles ( Sort Of !)
Scientifically speaking , alligators are reptiles — but they ’ re also archosaurs , which includes alligators , crocodiles , AND birds . So technically speaking , birds are closer relatives to alligators than snakes or lizards .


Alligators Create Habitats For Smaller Animals
Gators make nests for themselves in soft mud that eventually fills with water . These “ alligator puddles ” protect and house all sorts of small reptiles and fish while also serving as a drinking hole .


An Alligator ’ s Gender Is Determined By Temperature
Laboratory studies have found that eggs exposed to temperatures above 93 ° F are likely to become males , while those at 86 ° F usually become females — and intermediate temperatures produce both sexes .


Alligator Attacks Are Extremely Rare
Despite their reputation as fearsome predators , you ’ re actually more likely to be struck by lightning than attacked by an alligator !
As you can see , there ’ s much to learn about American alligators . Next time you ’ re in Florida , check out one of the many wildlife sanctuaries or nature parks to see them up close — just don ’ t feed them in the wild . Travel on .
All About Alligators Nature Beach L i fe 93