beachLIFE 2023 Issue 17 | Page 72

70 Beach L i fe Experiences Building Sandcastles
Always fill buckets halfway with water first ! Add sand second . Top with additional water if needed .
His process is pretty straightforward and involves an assortment of tools .
“ I always do a demo first for families , so people can see how each tool is used ,” he explained . “ Then they can create their masterpieces . Sometimes people will start carving , and all of a sudden , they ’ ll say their castle looks like a frog , and they ’ ll go with it . I think we ’ ve made everything by now . Toilets are a surprisingly common request . I suppose every castle needs a throne !”
Rick uses a straight-edge ruler to cut steps into his castle .
With the Spillman family watching , Rick built a delightful sandcastle . The essential ingredient for success other than sand ? Water . Once he was done , the family grabbed buckets and tools and got busy creating castles of their own .
As he walked around , nodding his head and encouraging their progress , he offered this sage advice :
“ When you think you have enough water , add more water .”