beachLIFE 2023 Issue 17 | Page 35

A Deep Dive with the Dauphin Island Sea Lab
The extraordinary social nature of dolphins makes their behavior all the more seemingly comprehensible and relatable to humans . There is growing evidence that they , along with whales , communicate in a language of “ song ,” complete with their own dialects . They even can be said to have their own routines and culture unique to the larger family .
And then there ’ s the dolphin “ smile .”
Perma-smiles present these enigmatic creatures as friends to humans , which is not necessarily the case . That said , there are countless unverified stories of dolphins “ saving ” human swimmers from sharks . Whether or not these stories are authentic — whether or not there is any truth to them at all — humans seek out opportunities to bring themselves within close proximity to them .
Many expectant human moms who have swam with dolphins claim the creatures transmit a vibe of compassion , love , and well-being that ’ s more felt than understood in any conventional sense . The experience has been described as somehow mystical , beyond what can be explained away by mere science or the clumsiness of language .
And so , through this metaphysical connection , the dolphin ’ s fame and allure among humans has gone extra-dimensional .
It is thought that dolphins may be able to “ perceive ” or at least sense the fetus when swimming with a pregnant human . The idea may sound wildly far-fetched . But consider that dolphins possess a sense called echolocation — a kind of sonar that allows them to fix the location of objects and creatures in their immediate vicinity , even in the murkiest of waters . And it is this remarkable faculty that may also serve as something not unlike an ultrasound in an obstetrician ’ s practice as the senor passes over the belly of the mother .
So you might think that we could answer the simplest of questions about dolphins . For instance : Is it “ safe ” to swim with them ? The answer : Always respect these extraordinary wayward creatures by giving them their space .
Visitors to the Emerald Coast are not only drawn to the sugar-white sand and turquoise Gulf waters . They are drawn to the sea life — and none command their attention more than the dolphin . A remote encounter is a moment to be cherished . Whether the circumstance is little more than a glimpse from shore of one breaching the surface , or an experience at close range while paddleboarding — the moment is unforgettable . Afterward , you want only to learn more about them .
This is all to say that dolphins have a friend in humans . Or so we would like to believe . However , nothing about our relationship with them is straightforward . We think we understand them . We think we get their intelligence , their sense of fun , their playfulness , even their smile . We are their greatest fans and yet we are also their greatest threat — all at the same time .
Want to learn more ? Keep reading for a deeper dive . We ’ ll introduce you to the best resource on the bottlenose dolphins you ’ re most likely to see here on the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico — the Dauphin Island Sea Lab .
A Deep Dive with the Dauphin Island Sea Lab
Marine scientists reveal the secret lives of dolphins of the Northern Gulf Coast
The story begins in 1971 when seven Alabama universities and colleges came together to develop a marine science lab for students on Dauphin Island on Alabama ’ s Gulf Coast . The overarching idea was to consolidate the disparate marine research and educational resources and channel them into a single world-class entity .
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