beachLIFE 2022 Issue 16 | Page 89

groups for children : explicit memory and implicit memory . Explicit memory usually involves a time and place ( stopping for an ice cream cone after church on Sunday ). While implicit memory is the emotional connection to the memory ( seeing Rocky Road ice cream at the grocery store brings back happy memories of eating ice cream after church on Sunday ).
In her study , “ Two rooms , two representations : Episodic-like memory in toddlers and preschoolers ,” she found that children couldn ’ t recall the location of a toy ( with a visual prompt ) until the age of 2 . It wasn ’ t until age 5 that children mastered the task . While explaining the results of her study to the University ’ s Temple Now publication , she said , “ Episodic memory is important for social interaction . It ’ s also important for parents and teachers to understand that even if their toddlers and preschoolers don ’ t remember that field trip to the zoo , they have still learned from the experience of seeing the animals .”
And thanks to implicit memory , any sensory-rich experience — freshly baked bread at grandma ’ s house , the smell of hay from the zoo — are intrinsically linked to memory for two reasons , according to Kei M . Igarashi , an anatomy and neurobiology assistant professor at the University of California , Irvine .
Reason one : our hippocampus sorts information based on the five senses ( taste , smell , sight , touch , and hearing ). Reason two : dopamine helps form