I do not focus directly onto the horse, perhaps i focus my attentions on what he is concentrated on, i wish to show him i understand his concerns, but also show the example of the knowledge i have on what it is he is concerned and become content within myself with the object he is concerned about very quickly. Quietly confident.
I may wonder around investigate a few things, sit in the sand or pick at some grass. Make myself of quiet interest to him and wait for his reactions to me. I do not need to venture near him and intrude, as he does not know me yet. I may offer out a hand and lower my body and make my energy and intentions inviting and clear in that offer of invitation, when and if i see him show interest in myself or asking to join me.
My low energy and contentment with everything at hand and around me will influence to him im calm, confident but understanding. I have not demanded anything from him, caused him any pain, grief or concerns, invaded his person space or feelings. Something as small and seemingly "ineffective" by simply not 'doing' can really show empathy.
So how do we show physical invitation and recognize his desires to be with us?