You may have seen Melinda Gore reporting live on CNN’s Headline News as one of the network’s Health and Fitness Experts in the past. These days you will find this health and wellness educator and body image expert sharing tips and tools with women to help them live healthy, fully engaged lives and feel great about themselves at seminars and workshops all across the country.
Melinda Gore has a Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Physiology and is completing a Master’s in Counseling. She is a Certified Wellness Coach through WellCoaches, Inc. and has a combined 10 years of experience designing, coordinating and implementing fitness, health and wellness programs for some of the nation’s leading Fortune 500 companies as a health educator and as a personal fitness trainer at some of the most exclusive health and fitness facilities nationwide.
As mentioned earlier, Melinda’s vast health and fitness career has afforded her the opportunity to serve as one of CNN Headline News’ health and fitness experts, work alongside Sanjay Gupta for the network’s New You Resolution Challenge, instruct a wide variety of educational seminars and write for various publications from time to time.
With a desire to create a more holistic view of health and wellness into her career, as well as work with women and how they view themselves from a different perspective, Melinda chose to advance her study of the industry and was licensed as an Esthetician and graduated from the renowned Make Up Designory (M.U.D.) in New York City. Melinda spends a great deal of her time researching the latest findings in the cosmetics and esthetics industry as well as the health and wellness industry in an attempt to offer the most recent, credible information available to her clients and peers. She also regularly instructs a wide variety of educational seminars as her time allows.
While Melinda greatly enjoys the one-on-one experience which working as a makeup artist provides, she is most passionate and has for most of her life had a special area of interest. Her lifetime goal is to reach the masses with her infectious enthusiasm for health, beauty and wellness through television media. Melinda confesses that she strives to one day become the “Oprah Winfrey of health, beauty and wellness”.
Her philosophy as it pertains to health is simple. “Health and true beauty starts within. Eat feel good foods, use quality products, adopt joyful movement as a lifestyle and love the you that you already are. It all has to become a way of life”. Melinda resides in Myrtle Beach, SC with her husband. She is a makeup artist, licensed Esthetician, a nationally certified Health Fitness Specialist with the American College of Sports Medicine.
Here’s to you. Laugh a little. Better yet...Laugh a lot.
Wellness Coach