Be Inspired February 2014 (6) | Page 20

20 BE INSPRED, FEBRUARY 2014 I am in awe of the HOPE that my beloved Robin carries in his heart every day! He is filled with a power that is beyond me! He is struggling with overcoming Parkinson’s Disease and yet almost everyday he walks 3 to 5k and he will walk to the store for me anytime I ask him. My heart is warmed at the blessing that this man is in my heart and LIFE! I can not imagine my life without him... One thing I do know is that I would NOT be living here in New Zealand and taking these awesome photos and getting to do what I love and exploring the ME that GOD has created me to be! …a creative person who is full of LIFE and HOPE and wants to share that with others. Music is fast becoming a MAJOR part in my life - I have always wanted to sing and for the most part have found a way to do that no matter what but now it is time to step it up a level and step into what is in my heart to do with song... and although my beloved and I are not able to DANCE like we used to we still love to put the music on in our hearts and dance around the kitchen! I pray that you too will stop...listen...and DANCE! As you can tell from this little story that we are FULL of LOVE one for another - we have found over these past four years that as we continue to HONOR one another and Laugh together and not take life too seriously that we are able to keep that LOVE flowering and blossoming more and more! I pray that you too are finding yourself in a love relationship that carries you through the hard times and that honors and cherishes you and causes you to become MORE than you ever thought possible. And the GREAT part of that is... even if you do not find that here on earth there is a HEAVENLY FATHER GOD, HIS SON JESUS, and the HOLY SPIRIT that are just waiting and wanting to receive YOU into their Hearts and they will come and fill your heart that YOU too would know that there is never too much LOVE to GIVE... I pray that this has truly blessed you today and that you will find a peace that is beyond your imagination that will come right now and flood your soul and spirit with JOY and steadfast LOVE! Blessings!!! and Whoohoo!! Cyndilu Miller