Be Inspired February 2014 (6) | Page 16

16 BE INSPRED, FEBRUARY 2014 anything, but God allowed us to go through things so that we can help others. Nicole and Andre certainly found a way to make love happen and are helping others do the same. They also provide a snap shot of what made their relationship work over the years to also help inspire other couples do the same. Holidays with the Springers’: Nicole: Holidays for us is about family fun, traditions, family bonding. It’s fun. Andre: Growing up for me, my family we’ve had good times, but we normally had something that overshadowed the good times. Once I’ve got with my family we just enjoy each other. It was so much more about family and enjoying each other. Your Future: Nicole: I believe that we will be ministering to couples around the world through conferences, seminars. Andre: I just want to echo that as well. God has given us the passion for it and He wants to use us. Because we are obedient and willing to make a positive difference for couples. The future looks good. Good to glorify God through foundations of families. Nicole: I would like to encourage other families to not give up, to trust God Andre: Toward the men, don’t let society or stereotypes dictate what a husband or father truly is. It’s more than providing something tangible. Man is more than the testosterone base. Being a man encompasses doing whatever is necessary, whether it’s being financial, or what needs to be done around the house. Do whatever you need to do to provide for your family.