BDC Magazine - Online version December 2015 Issue - 216 | Page 105

Gully howard technical.qxp_feature 2 21/10/2015 11:02 Page 103 HEALTH & SAFETY: GULLY HOWARD TECHNICAL Energy Performance Certifications (EPC), stock condition surveys, specialist consultancy, commercial sales and lettings, property services, training and development, and occupational hygiene. Due to the sheer quality of work provided, Gully Howard Technical has managed to foster keen, working relations with a number of major housing associations and public bodies across the UK and has had great success in meeting the specific needs of such highly regulated organisations. By providing insightful consultancy advice, the company has become an integral facet of the wider public sector, with many organisations now reliant upon the wealth of experience at their disposal via Gully Howard Technical. Not only is Gully Howard Technical industry-leading in regard to its base service, but also regarding the way in which it handles all manner of company stakeholder and operates in a socially responsible manner. Michael details this approach to business further, saying: “Our strap line is "Client Focused, Employe e Centred"; we feel that this sums up how we want to deliver a great service but also work with our employees to give them the best Due to the sheer quality of work provided, Gully Howard Technical has managed to foster keen, working relations with a number of major housing associations and public bodies opportunities to get on in their careers. We have just been awarded Investors in People Bronze standard, our aim within the next few months is to achieve the Silver status and raising to Gold.” In addition to the extra care provided in the aforementioned sense, Gully Howard Technical is also a role model in the arena of health and safety, whereupon the company undertakes regular audits combines both internal and external audits and monitoring to ensure the highest standards of safety at all times. Being both CHAS and ISO18001 accredited, it is clear to all that Gully Howard Technical takes the safety of its employees very seriously and enables the company to act as a role model in health and safety for the wider construction industry. Commenting on the company's experiences with CHAS and its reputedly rigorous assessment procedures, Michael adds: “CHAS is a great system that has helped us win tenders by being compliant with Health and Safety, this was also the ideal system when we implemented it to start our process of combining the great practices we had with CHAS to be awarded ISO18001 standards. We feel that both standards work in conjunction with and complement each other.” 103