Strickman ה ” ע
MOTZAEI SHABBOS 1.16.21 darchei . org / talmidim
M e m o r i a l T r i b u t e t o

Mrs . Shoshana

Strickman ה ” ע

So many members of the Yeshiva Darchei Torah family have been touched by the recent loss of Mrs . Shoshana Strickman , wife of Rabbi Shmuel Strickman , menahel of its lower elementary school division .
To know Mrs . Shani Strickman was to love her and to feel beloved by her . Her warmth and caring enveloped her family , her extended family , and her “ adopted ” family .
Shani ’ s siblings remember her as a happy , caring and selfless child , gifting the world around her with laughter and joy . From her earliest years , she modeled what it means to be a true bas Yisrael . Her mother , Esther a ” h , who attended a one-room schoolhouse with non-Jews , instilled in her daughters a deep appreciation for the opportunity to attend Bais Yaakov . Her father , Rabbi Elchonon Scheinerman zt ” l , was an American-born talmid chacham of note at a time when such a designation was not common . In 1934 , at the age of 15 , Rabbi Scheinerman traveled to Europe to learn , first under Rav Elchonon Wasserman , hy ” d , in Baranovitch , and then in the Mirrer Yeshiva until the outbreak of World War II . Shani took seriously her responsibility to pass her parents ’ precious legacy on to her children , grandchildren , and great-grandchildren .
Shani was a teacher at various points in her life but her greatest lessons were surely delivered by example . Upon her passing , a local mechaneches cried , “ I lost my morah ! I observed how she recited Unesaneh Tokef , and [ I ] tried to emulate her heartfelt tefillos .” When others shared their pain with her , she expressed her sincere sympathy and took upon herself small kabbalos in their zechus . When she accepted to do something , she stuck with it , always growing in a consistent but quiet way . She did not preach the proper way to live – she lived it .
She lived the role of devoted wife to Reb Shmuel , a devoted menahel in Yeshiva Darchei Torah , moving several times throughout her married life for the benefit of her husband and family . Although it was not easy for her to leave dearly beloved family members and friends , once they were guided by da ’ as Torah to make the move , she went along b ’ lev shalem , completely on board , her positive attitude an engine powering her husband ’ s success . She took full responsibility for running their busy household , and she took the greatest pride in everything Reb Shmuel accomplished .
She modeled the mitzvah of kibbud av v ’ eim , visiting her parents daily and concerning herself with their care – and it was her greatest pleasure to do so . She never viewed herself as doing more than her share ; instead , she looked at herself as a representative of her siblings in all that she did .
Her children were her pride and joy . She understood them as no one else could and ensured that each received just what he or she needed . She forged deep and real relationships with her grandchildren , knowing just how to connect with them in ways they could appreciate .
Her bein adam l ’ chaveiro was exemplary . Anyone she met was enveloped by her warmth and her genuine concern . This extended from supposed casual acquaintances to local bachurim who resided on the block , to the many strangers who became part of her household . On Motzaei Yom Kippur , she would quietly make a series of calls to share with mothers who could not be in shul how beautifully their daughters davened , how nicely their daughters were dressed . Her compliments were clearly genuine ; her goal was to spread nachas and joy .
Mrs . Strickman a ” h is sorely missed by her wonderful family , the extended Darchei Torah family , and the countless people who considered her their best friend .
Bedarchei Hatorah Winter 5781 / 2021 7