an Evening of


I t ’ s a l l a b o u t t h e T a l m i d i m

For 48 years , Yeshiva Darchei Torah has been devoted to enriching the inner worlds of its talmidim . The goal of the Yeshiva is to teach every talmid on his own level , helping him grow into a happy , healthy and accomplished adult . It is the Yeshiva ’ s pride and joy to see its talmidim flourish and develop into wholesome ovdei Hashem .
This year , Yeshiva Darchei Torah has a special evening planned in lieu of its annual dinner . Because their talmidim are at the heart of what the Darchei mechanchim do , what better way to express that than to let the talmidim be in the limelight ? It will be an evening of inspiration , achdus , and celebration . See our boys shine like never before !
The Yeshiva ’ s Evening of Celebration will be held on Motzaei Shabbos , the fourth of Shevat , January 16th , 2021 . This campaign and event will be exceptional – you are going to want to participate ! Be sure to register . It will be an event that you and your families will greatly enjoy .
To find out more about pledges , journal ads , or anything else , please reach out to the Yeshiva office : dinner @ darchei . org 718.868.2300 ext . 301
Please join the campaign today by making a generous gift or pledge . To join online : darchei . org / talmidim
2 Bedarchei Hatorah Winter 5781 / 2021