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Mr . and Mrs . Steven and Shira Stein

P a r e n t s o f t h e Y e a r
Steven and Shira Stein stand out as exceptional and dedicated parents who truly exemplify the ideals of Yeshiva Darchei Torah . Their passion for Yiddishkeit and concern for their fellow Jews are paramount , and this is clearly reflected in the chinuch they are imparting to their children .
Steven , originally from Riverdale , is the son of Mr . and Mrs . Avi and Lillian Stein . An experienced real-estate attorney , Steven currently works at Heller Realty . Shira is the daughter of Beth and Ben Heller , longtime members of the Lawrence community . Shira is a nurse by profession but currently dedicates her time to caring for their beautiful family . The Steins are very involved in the Yeshiva Gedolah of the Five Towns and enjoy a warm relationship with its Rosh Yeshiva , Rav Moshe Zev Katzenstein , and they have invested considerable effort and resources in securing its new building . They are also respected members of Kehilas Yagdil Torah and are very close with its rav , Rav Ariel Edelstein .
Steven and Shira credit their parents with instilling in them the importance of giving back to Klal Yisrael , both locally and in Eretz Yisrael ; Yad Eliezer , which benefits many needy families in Israel , is particularly close to their hearts . Much of their chesed activities are performed in the best way possible , as they personally assist others in the community in a quiet , modest manner . They also carry on their parents ’ legacy of commitment to and closeness with family , which extends to their children as well as to their siblings and extended family .
It is not by default that the Steins chose to enroll their sons in Yeshiva Darchei Torah , but rather an extension of their determination to give their children the very best chinuch in a uniquely warm and positive environment . Their son Simcha is a graduate of the Yeshiva , and their sons Eitan and Eli are current talmidim in the fifth and eighth grades . Their daughters Tamara , Talia , and Rayna attend Bnos Bais Yaakov . Ever dedicated to the success of their children ’ s schools , Steven serves as an active board member at both Yeshiva Darchei Torah and Bnos Bais Yaakov .
Steven and Shira are proud to partner with the Yeshiva in the chinuch of their children . They are particularly grateful for the theme of simchas hachaim that pervades the Yeshiva , and they appreciate that as the rebbeim guide their talmidim toward growth in Torah , they simultaneously instill within them a love and passion for Yiddishkeit . Rav Yaakov Bender , in particular , exemplifies these midos , and the Steins feel privileged that their sons have the opportunity to build a kesher with him . They remember fondly how when their son joined the Yeshiva in first grade , Rav Bender asked all the other boys in the auditorium to welcome him .
As they watch their sons blossom in the unique atmosphere of this very special makom Torah , they express their overwhelming hakaras hatov for the incredible efforts invested in the boys , and specifically , for the manner in which the Yeshiva enabled them to thrive during these recent , very challenging months .
Undoubtedly , Steven and Shira are a couple whose focus is upon the importance of Torah learning , coupled with a zest for and love of Yiddishkeit and fellow Jews . We are proud to acknowledge their sterling example with this year ’ s Parents of the Year Award .
4 Bedarchei Hatorah Winter 5781 / 2021