After high school I plan to go to UNC Chapel Hill. I’m not
sure what major I want to pursue, and many people told
me that UNC is the ideal place for undecided students to
go. Many of the teachers at Enka High School showed
me what potential I had. They encouraged me to take
many AP classes, which I thought I was completely
incapable of. I am grateful that they pushed me out
of my comfort zone and encouraged me to pursue a
higher level of learning.
J ohn K olodich
Enka High School
Rebeccah has been volunteering for MANNA
FoodBank and will continue to do volunteer work in
the community. She likes to clean and fold clothes,
skills that will benefit organizations that support the
community. PEP has helped Rebeccah become more
independent, confident, and sociable. She likes to type
and enjoys being around other people.
R ebeccah D illon
Progressive Education Program
T.C. Roberson High School
M itchell S tanek
In my four years at T.C. Roberson, I learned
calculus, chemistry, English, and so much more;
my teachers and classmates guided my personal
development during this important stage of my life.
All of my teachers opened my mind to new ways of
thinking and encouraged me to analyze problems
from a variety of perspectives. My classmates’
diverse backgrounds made me more culturally
aware and exposed me to different opinions. I am
confident that my Roberson education has prepared
me exceedingly well for college and beyond. Next
year, I’ll attend Davidson College.