Hope and
in the Enka
By Stacia Harris,
Communications Department
A story about love, hope, and heartbreaking loss
shook the Enka community in the Spring of 2016. It
all started with a little girl whose difficult situation
touched those in our community and beyond.
Ultimately, she’d inspire a generous and life-saving
Seven-year-old Mya Grace was a student at Candler
Elementary. She loved sports and spending time with
her family, and she had dreams of one day playing
softball as an Enka High Sugar Jet. But, everything
changed when she was diagnosed with Burkitt’s
Lymphoma. Mya was strong and brave through rounds
of chemotherapy. Enka High softball coach Jennifer
Kruk says the entire Enka community was inspired
by Mya’s spirit and drive during the difficult time.
“She had purpose: she was named Mya Grace, and
she brought so much grace and hope to a community.
So many people came together to follow her story,”
says Kruk.
Coach Kruk and her team made Mya an honorary
Sugar Jet, and Mya was even able to attend Enka’s
championship softball match in Greensboro in the
Spring of 2016. Senior Danielle Harris recalls seeing
Mya in the crowd was humbling.
“I was warming up, and I looked up and she was
waving at us, and I started crying on the field. It
was so special to not play for myself, but to play for
someone that looks up to me,” says Harris.
Teammate Mariah Foxworth says the team played
harder than ever that game. They didn’t just want
a win for Enka- they wanted a win for Mya.
“The championship game is huge and for her to be
there in her condition, it gave us chill bumps. She
knew she might never play as a Sugar Jet. It made us
want to play harder for her,” says Foxworth.
Mya’s immune system was weakened, so she wore a
protective mask outside. Her mom later told Coach
Kruk that her daughter smiled from ear to ear under the
mask that day and cheered through the entire game.
“There was a time during the game when we were
down,” says Coach Kruk. ‘And I spoke to my girls and
said look over there, look at [Mya]. This isn’t about
you, this isn’t about ball, this is about helping a little
girl’s dream come true.’
Fighting back tears, the Sugar Jets recovered during
that inning, hit a walk off home run, and won the
state championship!
Later that spring, Mya’s fight against cancer
continued. Her family was told that she was in need
of a bone marrow transplant. Once again, the Enka
community rallied to help. Coach Kruk’s niece, a
student at Enka High, planned a bone marrow registry
drive in Mya’s honor.
Be the Match is a nationwide organization that
matches eligible bone marrow donors with people
who need a life saving transplant. Matt Dawson, Enka
High’s baseball coach and teacher, heard about the