BCS Advantage Magazine Special Edition #9 | Page 17
Erwin, Enka, and North Buncombe High Schools all have new and
renovated Food Labs. The students are whipping up tasty food
in modern facilities that replicate the industry standard. It’s a
valuable learning tool, but students are having fun, too.
The BCS Career & Technical Education (CTE) program is dedicated to providing
students real-world training and experiences as they pursue their careers.
More information on CTE is available at CTE.BuncombeSchools.org.
“I learned how to talk to people better and make better eye contact.”
“It’s preparing us for the future,” said Erwin graduate Berenice Jimenez, who is considering a career in
business or hospitality. “It’s opened my eyes about that industry and given me another perspective of what
they do.”
They and other campers especially enjoyed a cooking extravaganza on the last day of camp – a full meal
prepared in the new and improved food lab and served by the students in a formal dinner setting.
“Watching the students work together to make their lunch was a delight, and it was clear that the
experience was one they will not soon forget,” Pass said. “I’m so grateful to have access to this type of
learning environment for my students.”
North Buncombe High School Pro Start Instructor
Amy White gives instructions to students, Ashton,
Savannah, Karly and Alex in a kitchen huddle
before service begins.
Two North Buncombe High Pro Start students, Karly
and Marin, melt butter before making scrambled eggs.