School Nutrition Successes
Buncombe County Schools (BCS) wrapped up the annual summer meals program in August. For the entire
summer, at designated locations throughout the community, children could come and eat a free breakfast and
lunch! This important program served almost 87,000 meals!
The effort to make sure all of our children have access to healthy food throughout the day continues. The
“Breakfast in the Classroom” program rolled out to nearly all BCS elementary schools this year. Children are
able to eat a nutritious breakfast in class before their day gets started. For older students in middle and high
school, they have access to breakfast in the morning,
served in the cafeteria. Breakfast meals are offered
free to all BCS students.
“Buncombe County Schools is committed to making
sure all of our children have access to what they need
to learn and grow effectively. Healthy meals are an
important part of the equation, and we are so proud
of the success of the programs that get food to the
students who need it most,” says School Nutrition
Director Elizabeth Payne.
The Leader in Me program is making a difference for
students across Buncombe County Schools.
You’re invited to learn more about how this program
is empowering our students to achieve their full potential.
The Buncombe County Schools Foundation,
Duke Energy, Park Ridge Health,
and FranklinCovey are bringing Sean Covey to Asheville
for a one day educational forum and luncheon.
Wednesday, November 16, 2016 at the
Crown Plaza Resort in Asheville
Attendees can choose the full day forum
or the luncheon with Sean Covey only.
Log on to to learn more!