Words turned to actions. Stories came to reality. Imaginations had been given life. Pages of books are now in the big screen! This blog will review the advantages, disadvantages, and changes made from the paper to the screen, as well as feedback related to book-based films. Calling all the bookworms!
Books. Pens. Paper. These are not enough to live your college life without the glamour and looks .This mag is the answer to your everyday what-to-wear dilemmas. Because, FASHION is a passion and STYLE is a lifestyle. This will be your guide on how to stand out with confidence in the corners of the university.
Toplist of the most critically-acclaimed movies from the superb down to the 'not-so-worse' movies in various categories.
Your daily guide on movie trends.
Want to know the places you can visit within the National Capital Region? Want to know cuisines that you can try in the very heart of the metro? Join us as we give you updates on places you can visit within the region and check out the local foods you just have to try. Follow us and continue receiving updates on our latest travel and food experience!
A group of five Mass comm students from Polytechnic University of the Philippines gather to give you News and updates on college sports and events.
A site where sports enthusiasts of different colleges and universities collide. Lots of sports facts and events are unstoppably bursting out in front of you.
Yay or Nay? Calling all techies out there, here’s the blog you’d love to share. This blog’s about the hottest gadgets on the block and everything that goes with it. Things in Technobabbles informs the readers of the new generation about the newest techno trends today.
Shares awesome posts about relationship that everyone is surely interested and related to. Relationship is an everyday part of our life, we can’t escape it, we need it. Perhaps every minute we divulge ourselves in different relationships. Relationship may usually connote the boyfriend-girlfriend thing but this time… you’ll get more than that! Through our posts, we’ll go deep into different aspects, family, friends and God, offering a variety of topics every week that you must not miss!
This blog will give its readers a glimpse on different genres of music like pop, rock, classic, mellow, and a lot more. Latest trends and updates about the current events in the music industry will also be featured.
Tired of your busy school works, tiresome projects and hectic schedule? Why not have a pit stop on this blog? Yes, we need a lot of recreation. But more than a spa party or hanging out on weekends, our body needs some work out and more nutrition to keep it healthy and fit.
This blog contains college student’s weekly dose of interesting tips and fun activities that will surely keep your mind and body moving and in shape.