BCF Annual Handbook 2019/2020 handbook 2019 2 | Page 38

COMMITTEES The VRG kept a watching brief on the planned isocyanates restriction in the EU, which is not supported by UK authorities, who feel sufficient guidance and controls are in place to ensure safe use. BCF produced a PaintSafe leaflet on isocyanates, to help reinforce this. Aerospace and Defence Coatings Group Chaired by Jim Rowbotham, Pexa The two meetings of the Aerospace and Defence Coatings Group (AF) group in 2018 were dominated by discussions on the on-going Authorisations for the Chromium (VI) substances used in primer coatings, to provide the corrosion protection required at low filmweights. Whilst the key applications for Authorisation for the sector are still pending decision, there were significant concerns expressed with regard to the slow progress and erosion of the time period before next review for the Authorisations being granted for Chromium Trioxide. The authorities still appear to remain unconvinced that Cr (VI) technologies are essential for the sector, particularly to protect the interior surfaces of aircraft bodies, where regular inspection is difficult or impossible. This seems to be a remarkable situation, where the decisions that are being taken by the European Commission could genuinely lead to product failures during aircraft operation, and potentially pose a genuine risk to human life. The BCF issued an explanatory note (G027) in February 2018 as an attempt to inform and warn the supply chain of the pending withdrawal of products due to the Authorisation procedures taking place, referring to the sunset date (Jan 2019) for the substances in question (Strontium Chromate, Zinc Tetroxy Chromate and Zinc Potassium Chromate). However, questions are still coming in on what component manufacturers should be using in place of the products that have now been withdrawn. This is of particular concern to the non-aerospace sector that have been using chrome VI primers (mostly on aluminium) for e.g. military land vehicles, underbody chassis protection of large commercial vehicles, and ambulances. A 38 further Q&A document, to support member discussions with their customers, is planned. Representatives from the Ministry of Defence (MoD) attended the Spring meeting of the group as usual (with some new representatives), with more extensive discussion on REACH and on the gaps appearing in the standards portfolio due to the Cr(VI) situation. The Autumn meeting was more focussed on general compliance with Authorisations and enforcement, with two representatives from the HSE attending to advise and answer questions. The planned project on benchmarking Chrome-free systems unfortunately did not get off the ground due to a lack of funding and support from the organisations that were involved in the discussions. A more general project has been suggested on this, that could be driven by the Industrial and Powder Coatings Council, rather than specifically for the aerospace sector. Good progress has been made with discussions on Standards, through the newly-reformed BSI ACE/65 committee. BCF ANNUAL HANDBOOK 2019/20