BCF Annual Handbook 2019/2020 handbook 2019 2 | Page 37

as well as establishing the industry position. The activity with the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design scheme in the US is also of particular interest and causing some concern, especially with regard to the intumescent coatings sector, where they are moving towards introducing VOC restrictions to products, driving the sector towards waterbased technologies in that market. Further efforts were made to promote the use of the recently revised ISO 12944. BCF Information Note G028 was issued in March 2018, to clarify the changes that were introduced, and presented additional information in a Q&A format, including what happens to certificates for products that refer to the previous version of ISO 12944, and the comparison between ISO 12944 and Norsok M-501. In addition, PCE International published an article from the BCF on the revised Standard in their October-December edition. Third party certification for industrial protective coatings against standards such as ISO 12944 is also coming onto the group’s radar, as this approach appears to be gaining traction beyond the existing uses to e.g. test and certify intumescent coatings. As usual, the progress with the various legislative mechanisms, including REACH and CLP, as applied to chemical substances used in the industry was a standing topic for discussion at meetings. The developments regarding TiO 2 , isocyanates and BPA were of particular interest, and much of the discussion revolved around a review of the latest activities of the various CEPE task forces that have been focussed on these issues. BCF ANNUAL HANDBOOK 2019/20 Vehicle Refinish Group Chaired by John Falder, HMG Paints The Vehicle Refinish Group (VRG) this year moved its VOC campaign onto a new phase. After fully completing and analysing the 100 mystery shopping videos, of which a quarter had failed, it was agreed that further pressure would be put on Defra and the EU to stamp out the issue of solvent-based basecoat non-compliance. In Autumn 2018, Tom Bowtell visited Poland, where the problem is even worse than in the UK, and BCF are encouraging CEPE to take stronger action. The VR meetings in 2018 were partially held in conjunction with the BCF’s Industrial and Powder Coatings Council. This was found particularly effective given the wide crossover of topics for both groups. Officials from Defra attended the Summer 2018 meeting, and a workshop was held on the Government’s Clean Air Strategy, which was being consulted on at the time. The BCF wrote to Defra Secretary of State Michael Gove MP at the end of 2018, highlighting the lack of enforcement, and widespread abuse of the VOC regulations for VR paints. The VRG has also expressed concerns over potential customs delays with Brexit, and also the perception by some distributors in the UK that EU regulations on solvent based paint no longer apply. The BCF instigated press activity on this issue specifically, and is also maintaining pressure on Trading Standards where specific complaints about distributors have been made. 37