BCF Annual Handbook 2019/2020 handbook 2019 2 | Page 29

BIOCIDES Biocides One of the key lobbying priorities for 2019 and beyond is biocides. This has been a growing issue for BCF members for a number of years, and it was decided that something should be done at UK level to engage with policymakers on the issue. The BCF helped establish the UK Cross Sector Biocides Group, which comprises biocides manufacturers and trade associations of downstream users such as cosmetics, cleaning products, adhesives and the motor industry. The aim of the group is to ascertain what activity is needed at national level on biocides, and how the group can assist in advocacy at a European level. There have so far been two meetings of the new group. There is a broad consensus that some cross-sector lobbying activity is needed, to defend the active substances at EU level, and to seek a pragmatic approach from the UK authorities with regard to biocides and preservation of waterbased consumer products. A series of actions have been agreed, and a further meeting planned for mid-May 2019. CEPE, jointly with AISE (the cleaning products trade association in Europe) are proceeding with their intention to hold a workshop with the Member State authorities and Commission representatives in May, explaining the issues that our sector has with the BPR, the challenges posed as new harmonised classifications are confirmed, and emphasising once again the call for a holistic approach to active substance evaluation. The BCF will be attending this workshop, and plans on becoming involved with biocides lobbying at EU level. Regardless of Brexit, if any member wishes to sell into the EU, they will have to comply with EU Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR). The BCF plan on continuing to drive this lobbying activity in the UK and highlight the societal benefits of biocides, but first must work with other industries to build a strong evidence base fit for policymakers. Images courtesy of VdL, the German Coatings Association BCF ANNUAL HANDBOOK 2019/20 29