BCF Annual Handbook 2019/2020 handbook 2019 2 | Page 27

BREXIT Following on from BCF’s successful “Halfway to Brexit” event last year, the BCF held a follow-up event on 28th March, aimed at advising members on the impacts of Brexit. It was a lively day with a great atmosphere, and included speakers from government and industry. The event also included an enthusiastic presentation from the Managing Director of the Swiss Coatings Federation, Matthias Baumberger, who talked about some of the positives of being outside the EU. More on page 62. BCF have also been very active in the press, with Tom receiving national coverage on Brexit. See below for more information. This has been a huge exercise, with members manufacturing thousands of products, made up of hundreds of different substances, coming from all over the world. What BCF is doing to help members The BCF has been working to help members navigate what Brexit means for their businesses. The BCF’s published a “no deal” guide, which provides guidance for members in the event the withdrawal agreement doesn’t have approval from the UK and the EU 28. It could also be relevant after any transition period if a deal is agreed, but if no future trading agreement is reached. What next for the BCF? Brexit has presented many challenges for the industry, and the uncertainty has already had a tangible impact on BCF members. However, the coatings, printing inks and wallcoverings industry is resilient and will adapt post-Brexit, whatever form that takes. BCF will also continue to defend key raw materials, feeding into CEPE and working with other players in the supply chain. Finally, one of our big topics for this year is biocides. Read more about this on page 29, but it’s clear that Brexit or not, it’s a major issue for members. Ellen had to answer some tough questions at the Environmental Audit Committee’s inquiry into chemical regulations post-Brexit in December. Select Committees check and report on areas of government policy- they present an opportunity for the public to submit written, and sometimes oral evidence on the impact of a particular policy. It’s a big honour that the BCF was invited to give evidence, and is a testament to the fantastic contribution BCF members make to the UK economy. As a result, coatings had a direct mention in the Brexit debates in the House of Commons, truly raising the profile of the sector in such an important setting. BCF in the national press to promote Brexit messages from members 2018 and 2019 have brought about a flurry of national press opportunities, where BCF have been approached to discuss implications of Brexit on the businesses within the sector. Early in 2019, BCF’s Tom Bowtell was interviewed on BBC Radio 5’s ‘Wake up to Money’ programme which reports on news and views on business and finance. During the interview, Tom discusses how the industry is preparing for Brexit and the potential impacts of a no-deal scenario. Following the Wake up to Money interview, BCF was approached by BBC’s World Service’s ‘Marketplace Morning Report’ which airs on 88 US public radio stations with a weekly audience of some 8 million people. The topic was again Brexit, and Tom again highlighted the dangers of a no-deal Brexit, and what the industry is doing to prepare. To further promote Brexit messages, BCF filmed a short video where Tom explains the industry’s general feeling in relation to the implications of Brexit on business. To watch the video, visit www.youtube.com/BritishCoatingsFed BCF ANNUAL HANDBOOK 2019/20 27