BCF Annual Handbook 2019/2020 handbook 2019 2 | Page 12

HISTORY WALL BCF’s 100+ year history showcased at Spectra House 1912 National Federation of Associated Paint, Colour and Varnish Manufacturers founded 12 An important addition to Spectra House after the doors opened, was the BCF history wall which showcases the unique stories behind the Federation’s formation and its growth since forming over 100 years ago. The history wall outlines the progress of the Federation, bringing together the past and the present whilst looking to the future. 1956 1963 The Federation of British Printing Ink Manufacturers and the British Printing Ink Association merge to form the Society of British Printing Ink Manufacturers The Paintmakers Association is created, with the coming together of the National Federation of Associated Paint, Colour and Varnish Manufacturers and the Society of British Paint Manufacturers BCF ANNUAL HANDBOOK 2019/20