www . bccjacumen . com Produced by Custom Media K . K .
Publisher Simon Farrell simon @ custom-media . com
President Robert Heldt robert @ custom-media . com
Creative Director Cliff Cardona
Art Director Paul Leonard
Deputy Editor Megan Waters
Client Services Manager Sam Bird samuel @ custom-media . com
Alison Jambert , a founding director of Tokyo-based branding agency Eat Creative K . K ., became BCCJ President in April . Alison has over 20 years ’ experience in marketing for premium brands and manages key accounts as well as business development .
Ian de Stains OBE , a former BBC producer and presenter , has been based in Japan since 1976 . From 1987 to 2011 , he was BCCJ executive director . Ian now focuses on writing , consulting , coaching and is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and convenor of its Japan chapter . dest @ attglobal . net
Lori Henderson MBE has been BCCJ executive director since February 2011 .
Julian Ryall is Japan correspondent for The Daily Telegraph .
Account Managers Leon van Houwelingen leon @ custom-media . com
Kieran Quigley kieran @ custom-media . com
Account Executive Mareike Dornhege mareike @ custom-media . com
Mark Schreiber is an author and translator who has been based in Tokyo since 1966 . He was employed as a media analyst in market research before turning to freelance writing . |
Megan Waters is deputy editor at Custom Media K . K . |
Marketing Executive Megumi Okazaki |
Media Co-ordinator Yoko Yanagimoto
To advertise or order BCCJ ACUMEN : inquiries @ custom-media . com Tel : ( 03 ) 6804-5267 Fax : ( 03 ) 6804-5268
Custom Media Publishers of BCCJ ACUMEN for the British Chamber of Commerce in Japan . Specialists in bilingual brand strategy / visual communications , corporate bespoke solutions . Producers of BIJ TV ( businessinjapan . tv ), the bilingual online video channel featuring successful business people in Japan .
Akasaka Palace Bldg . 1F 1-4-21 Moto-Akasaka , Minato-ku , Tokyo 107-0051 www . custom-media . com
Geoff Botting is a journalist and translator who has lived in Japan for 25 years .
Lalita Mosorin is the manager for Michael Page Technology in Japan , specialising in technology recruitment across commerce , telecommunications , consulting , B2B and B2C , retail and pharmaceutical . Lalita has been at Michael Page Japan since 2008 .
Vid Gunapala is the team leader for Michael Page Technology in Japan . He specialises in technology recruitment across securities , asset management , retail and commercial banks , consumer finance , finance focused consulting and insurance firms . He has worked at Michael Page Japan since 2010 .
Dr Tom Lomax is a general practitioner at the Tokyo Medical and Surgical Clinic . After training in the UK , he obtained a Japanese medical licence in 2008 .
Warning / Disclaimer Custom Media and the BCCJ will not accept liability for any damages caused by the contents of BCCJ ACUMEN , including , but not limited to , any omissions , errors , facts or false statements . Opinions or advice expressed in BCCJ ACUMEN are not necessarily those of the BCCJ or Custom Media .
© 2013 Custom Media K . K .
Mike DeJong has been a journalist , broadcaster and public speaker for more than 25 years . |
Contributions BCCJ Members and writers are welcome to submit ideas for content , which will be decided on merit by the Editor . editor @ custom-media . com |
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