BBYO International Convention 2016 Program Guide | Page 36
Ideas are Easy – Execution is Everything, BCC 339
Casey Neistat has been called, among other things, a bike-lane vigilante. A New York-based
filmmaker, his main body of work consists of dozens of short films released exclusively on the
Internet. Casey’s online films, including regular contributions to The New York Times critically
acclaimed Op-Doc series, have been viewed more than 60 million times in the last four years. Also
the writer, director, editor and star of the HBO series The Neistat Brothers, Casey won the John
Cassavetes Award at the 2012 Independent Spirit Awards for producing the film Daddy Long Legs.
In his talk, Casey will discuss the value of learning through doing; you discover what works for you
through the making process, not by overthinking things. Casey will share his personal story and
career background in order to highlight the importance of learning by doing.
Facilitator: Casey Neistat, Film Director and YouTube Creative
Journey to the Front Lines: A Firsthand Experience of the Syrian Refugee Crisis,
BCC 344
What would it take for you to think the best option available in life would be leaving everything you
know, your home, possessions, friends, work and neighborhood and pay exorbitant amounts of
money to smugglers to board a flimsy raft of sorts with your family of all ages and whatever you can
carry – and without adequate food, water or clothing? Think about that. Really think. Erin Schrode
thought about this and found herself on the front-line of the Syrian Refugee Crisis. Come hear Erin’s
story about why she packed her bags for Lesvos to assist Syrian refugees as they arrived in Europe
after escaping their conflict-ridden home. Learn how you can better the world through grassroots
action and use your personal experience to push for larger policy changes.
Facilitators: Ammar, Teen Iraqi Refugee Activist (Live from Vienna, Austria); Ruben Chandrasekar,
Executive Director, International Rescue Committee – Baltimore Office; Gracen Hecht, Student
Volunteer; Jake Horowitz, Founder, Mic; Erin Schrode, Co-Founder, Turning Green
Leading an Impactful and Joyful Life, BCC 341
Justin Baldoni surprised an 18 year-old girl, Claire Wineland, during his talk at the Life is Beautiful
Festival. Justin produces a docuseries called My Last Days that documents the extraordinary lives of
the terminally ill. Claire, diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis, has an unmatched optimism and excitement
for life. Her dream was to be a public speaker and to her shock, she was given the opportunity to
do so when Justin called her onto the stage. Met with a standing ovation from the audience, Claire
approached the stage, cracked a few jokes about her stunned reaction and continued to deliver an
inspiring and beautiful speech for the crowd. There was laughter, there were tears and there was a
courageous, triumphant, young girl who blew everyone away. Join Justin and Claire in the quest to
bring a culture-shift to the world and remind people that we cannot only lead more joyful lives, but
that we each have the power to make a difference in the world.
Facilitators: Justin Baldoni, American Actor, Jane the Virgin, and Director, My Last Days; Claire
Wineland, Founder, The Clairity Project
Life in Politics and Public Service, BCC 349
CEO and Executive Editor of 70 Faces Media, Ami Eden, will be interviewing political pros, Noam
Neusner and Matt Nosanchuk about how they got their start in politics and policymaking and what
they learned from their experiences at the White House and in Congress.
Facilitators: Noam Neusner, 30 Point Strategies; Matt Nosanchuk, Associate Director of Public
Engagement, The White House; Ami Eden, 70 Faces Media
War, What is It Good For? How Jewish Teens Built Community during the Ukraine
Crisis, BCC 337 d
Ukraine has been in a state of crisis since the conflict with Russia erupted. With lives lost and
thousands of displaced persons, Jewish life could have been abandoned. Learn how even during
crisis Jewish teen leaders have stepped up to create their own teen movement.
Facilitators: Oksana Galkevich, Director of External Relations and Government Affairs, JDC’s
Former Soviet Union Division; Karin Goitman, JDC BBYO Jewish Service Corps Fellow; Alla Magas,
Active Jewish Teen (AJT) Coordinator, Ukraine; Ezra Moses, JDC BBYO Fellow Alumnus; Arkadiy
Sherstyuk, AJT President; Sofia Volovik, AJT President
Training for the Sport of Taking Risks: How to ALWAYS Win Regardless of the Score,
Holiday Ballroom 6
Life is all about taking risks. We love it when risks go as planned. We hate it when they don’t. We
fear failing and can’t stand rejection. But, being an exceptional leader means having the emotional
stamina to overcome all types of adversity. It means having the tools to help others take risks and
move forward with confidence and clarity. In this session, you’ll learn how to turn adversity into a
springboard to success, dream big, get comfortable with the uncomfortable and take the risks to be
an exceptional leader. Through humor, audience interaction and personal stories, you’ll step outside
your comfort zone and grow as an individual and leader.
Facilitator: Harlan Cohen, Author, Speaker, Syndicated Advice Columnist of Help Me, Harlan!