BBSS InfoPack 1 | Page 9

**Take note that students who are using the Royal Brunei Airlines are entitled to receive an extra baggage allowance of 15kg. For students who are using different airlines, contact the agencies in Brunei to ask for extra baggage allowance. Evidence will be required prior to checking in (BRP, Offer Letter) at the check-in counter at Royal Brunei Airport.

Cargo Bags

Reasonable quantity of clothing

Basic Toiletries

Comfortable Footwear

Sports Shoes (At least 1 Pair)

Sanitary Towels for Ladies

Medical supplies

National Dress:

- Cara Melayu & Songkok (Boys)

- Baju Kurong, Jubah & Tudong (Girls)

Praying Necessities

Al-Quraan & Tahlil / Yaasin Book

Stationeries (Expensive in the UK)

Ayam Brand / Maggi brands (Canned/Instant/Seasonings/Sauces)

- Cukup Rasa, Oyster Sauce, Chilli/Tomato Sauce, Maggi, IndoMee, Sardines, Corned Beef etc.

Mini Rice Cooker (iExpensive in the UK)

These items are all optional, however, useful and convenient to bring to the United Kingdom to avoid overspending as moving in will already cost you a great amount of money.

Only a number of Malaysian products (i.e. Maggi/Ayam Brand) can be found at oriental shops in Birmingham. There are close to none availability for Bruneian products can be found in Birmingham so we advise you to bring your Brunei goodies.